Khadi was not only a cloth to Gandhiji. He found it powerful enough which can bring freedom to nation perhaps that is why India's national flag is made of Khadi. He found spinning-Khadi very helpful to development of economy. The message of the spinning wheel is much wider than its circumference. Its message is one of simplicity, service of mankind, living so as not to hurt others, creating an indissoluble bond between the rich and the poor, capital and labour, the prince and the peasant.
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi is not only the Father of Nation, but also the father of modern 'Khadi'. Formal use of word Khadi started after the advent of Mahatma Gandhi on the Indian scene. He discovered 'Charka' in London in 1908 during discussions with fellow Indians regarding the conditions in India.
Initially, Gandhiji took up the Khadi programme for economic and political reasons. Condition of unemployed and poor farmers was miserable when Gandhiji came to India. He made Charka his weapon to fight against poverty. By informing people about importance and usefulness of spinning he showed way of self employment. The work of producing Khadi was of very low investment and easy for everyone. He himself left wearing foreign cloths for Khadi. After Gandhjii's initiative people came to know how simple and important spinning of Khadi was, that became power of nation and brought independence to us.
Gandhiji fervently appealed to one and alt to wear Khadi, with the intent of satisfying one of the basic needs of mankind. Khadi became a mean to unite people of different religions and class.
Khadi spinning is also a very effective medium for communal harmony and nation's unity. A wheel ties each person of nation with one thread called Khadi.
All the actions and programmes of Gandhiji, economic, political and social, were the direct outcome of his deep religious faith and his philosophy of life, relevant to both the individual and the society. It is absolutely essential to understand these basic ideas in order to appreciate fully his concept of Khadi. Gandhiji believed that human beings are the best creation of God. It is a law of God that the body must be fully worked and utilised. The Spinning Wheel is the auspicious symbol of 'Sharir Yajna' - body labour. He, who eats his food without offering sacrifice, steals it This holy wheel produces Khadi which not only covers body but also unites nation.
An American says that the future lies with nations that believe in manual labour. Gandhiji gave rebirth to weaving and spinning activity by giving it name of Khadi. His philosophy and religious thinking motivated nation's people to wear and spin Khadi. He made work of spinning and auspicious act which can make man's life better. Spinning also became companion of loneliness for human beings.